Friday, July 29, 2011

My lap

I have a ton of exciting stuff to blog about when I get the chance to catch up and I shouldn't  have taken the time to write this post but, I needed a quick therapy session. 

As I tucked Trevor in bed tonight, he looked up at me and said Good night Momma.  THEN he said in his sweetest most tender little voice, "I didn't even get to sit on your lap today Momma."  UGH!  My heart broke.  I know it was only one day but, to him being held is obviously important.  What was I doing you ask that was more important than holding my son?  Guess.  Yep all the chores that a Mom must do.  We are getting ready for our vacation and that means it's busy, busy around here. 

I struggle with keeping balance.  I want a perfectly clean home all the time, etc... etc...As I was working today and Lauren was also fussing to be held one of my favorite verses came to mind.  Cleaning and scrubbing can wait til' tomorrow for babies grow up much to our sorrow.  So quiet down cob-webs and dust go to sleep I'm rockin' my baby cause' babies don't keep.  Tomorrow is another day, and if you show up to messes then you know what I was doing. 

Trevor I'm so sorry.  I love you more than you will ever know.  xoxo Mommy

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Wish

I wish that these two special women, who my kids were blessed to be educated by, could move up grades with them. 

Sometimes that happens but, it most likely will not.  We are forever grateful that they had teachers who LOVE teaching and LOVE their students.  Many thanks to them for all they've done in shaping our children's futures.  Kaitlyn and Tyler both grew tremendously this year and we're proud of their hard work.  Looking back, it was a great school year that just flew by!

Monday, May 30, 2011


I want to remember this weekend and some cute stuff the kids said.

Trevor - We going to "Me"tah (Utah)
Ty put your arms up! (as we're driving through the Gorge - yes he felt like we were on a roller coaster!)

Tyler- It's not Kanosh it's Panosh!
I hate woodchucks they eat your wood.

Kaitlyn - It's Hurri-c-A-ne, not Hurricun! Why do they call it Hurricun? Daddy assured her that she was talking like a hick if she didn't call it Hurricun. I'm NOT the hick!

Lauren - is fairly chatty and has a big vocabulary. She is SO FUN! I love the way she says her siblings names;
Kaitlyn = Sissy
Tyler = Tylah or TyTy
Trevor = Twevah (usually wit hands cupped around her mouth) or Twevie.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I've Had This ...

Thought for a while now. Really it all started when my friend began blogging. She is VERY wise and always has something worth while to say. Every time I read her posts I learn something. I thought about how people have these blinkies on their blogs saying that they follow so and so. She could have one. AND then I thought how so many women touch my life who blog or they don't blog or run marathons, they aren't president of the PTA, they don't run big corporations and the list goes on. But they do run their families. They are my heroes because they are the best kind of women - ones who are noble, honest, loving, down-to-earth, hardworking people who have touched my life for different reasons. They are mothers, grandmothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, cousins, friends. They are people who are happy to be who they are, just as they are. They share their gifts with the world with out even knowing how far reaching their efforts go. Doing this through their love of life and serving those they love. THAT is what inspires me. In my opinion, the way they live is worthy of the highest praises. Because they know what is truly important, they are constant examples in my life. Heavenly Father knows that I needed humble, kind people to be surrounded by and I know that it wasn't by accident that I am where I am today. Sometimes all I have to do is look out my window. Then there are the ones who are miles away. Wherever you are... next door, down the street, hundreds of miles away or in Heaven you touch my life because you are you.

I just want to add a birthday wish to my Grandma Joy. She will always have a "blinkie" in my eyes. To the world she was just one person but to me she was the world.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

We're Back

Have you ever had a conversation that you can not recall, one that you are CERTAIN you never had?  Apparently I recently had one of those. And THAT my friends is what happened to our old blog.  Mark deleted it, after we had a conversation that had something to do with google accounts and I Pads.   I obviously need to be a better listener when my family is speaking to me.  (There are times when I've learned to TUNE THEM OUT- for the sake of everyone)  I did not know that he deleted it until I tried to log on and thought hmmm.... that's weird.  I wonder what happened to my blog?  He felt awful because he liked our blog and he knew I enjoyed blogging.  I was crushed because other than pregnancy journals, it is the ONLY form of journaling I've done in the last few years.  I don't have any record of it.  After weeks of contemplating about whether I needed a blog or not this is obviously the answer I got.  So if you have any ideas about what to do,  so I don't loose all of my history or any tips on how to get back my old info.  PLEASE share.  I enjoy journaling but am electronically challenged (thankfully Mark is a wiz) so I just want it to be simple and not take too much time.  Enjoy the stories of our everyday adventures.  Thanks for keeping in touch!