Thursday, April 28, 2011

We're Back

Have you ever had a conversation that you can not recall, one that you are CERTAIN you never had?  Apparently I recently had one of those. And THAT my friends is what happened to our old blog.  Mark deleted it, after we had a conversation that had something to do with google accounts and I Pads.   I obviously need to be a better listener when my family is speaking to me.  (There are times when I've learned to TUNE THEM OUT- for the sake of everyone)  I did not know that he deleted it until I tried to log on and thought hmmm.... that's weird.  I wonder what happened to my blog?  He felt awful because he liked our blog and he knew I enjoyed blogging.  I was crushed because other than pregnancy journals, it is the ONLY form of journaling I've done in the last few years.  I don't have any record of it.  After weeks of contemplating about whether I needed a blog or not this is obviously the answer I got.  So if you have any ideas about what to do,  so I don't loose all of my history or any tips on how to get back my old info.  PLEASE share.  I enjoy journaling but am electronically challenged (thankfully Mark is a wiz) so I just want it to be simple and not take too much time.  Enjoy the stories of our everyday adventures.  Thanks for keeping in touch!

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